Coaches and Social Media: How One Coach Doubled His Social Media Following 2023

For coaches, social media is the best way to draw in new clients and raise the know, like, and trust factor. Discover how a career coach increased his social media following in this post—all without devoting more time or effort to helping his clients.

Coaches may easily market their company or life coaching services on social media because of its capacity to create relationships and rapport.

For this reason, one of the things career coach Nader Mowlaee concentrated on when he sought to grow his company was his social media presence. Coaches However, Mowlaee shared the desire of most coaches to devote more time to client service rather than social media management.

Thankfully, he found a reasonably priced option that allowed him the flexibility to expand his company and improve his social

Through apprenticeship programs at Acadium, you can collaborate with aspiring digital marketers on specialized tasks like social media marketing. They commit to your marketing efforts for three months at a rate of ten hours each week. In exchange, you mentor them for one to two hours a week, offering advice and criticism.

You’ll discover how Mowlaee doubled his social media following despite putting in less effort on social media marketing in this piece.

Let’s find out more about Mowlaee’s coaching business first, though.

A business cannot be scaled by an individual.

It takes skill to navigate the job market of today. It’s more competitive and dynamic than before; qualifications alone aren’t enough every time. Mowlaee is one of the few that truly knows this. Having worked in recruitment and consultancy for many years, his goal was to assist engineers who were just starting out in their careers in overcoming the challenges they encountered in the job market.

In order to get interviews and job offers, he discovered that a lot of engineers struggled to build their professional networks, personal brands, and communication abilities. That’s when Engineer Your Mission, his career coaching company, entered the picture.

By drawing on his experience, Mowlaee set out to create a procedure for comprehensive job search assistance that would enable individuals just starting out in their careers to reach their goals as quickly as possible. This takes the form of helping them create their online presence, personal branding papers, and expand that presence through LinkedIn networking techniques. Additionally, he gives students practice in negotiating employment offers and interview preparation.

As his company began to grow, Mowlaee soon discovered that scaling Engineer Your Mission alone was not feasible, no matter how hard he worked. Thank God, he discovered Acadium. Says he

social media strategy for coaches

Social media coaching: Using apprentices as assets

Mowlaee discovered an apprentice with prior marketing training—but no prior experience marketing to a U.S. audience—after signing up for the platform and perusing the pool of aspiring marketing talent. Nevertheless, Mowlaee hired them onto his team after realizing their enthusiasm and will to succeed.

That apprentice was able to help with every step of a marketing campaign. The trainee worked on projects such as:

  • market research
  • collecting and validating data
  • writing copy and creating graphics for social media
  • using that content for automating their social media channels
  • synthesizing social media analytics and identifying areas for optimization

The outcomes were so favorable that Mowlaee states:

“I’ve used Acadium with great success. It has truly assisted me in overcoming numerous obstacles in my business.

In order to help him expand his company’s online presence and free up more time to concentrate on how to scale his product rather than the business itself, Mowlaee has since hired nine Acadium apprentices.

Mowlaee saw a continuous increase in interaction on his social media posts and was able to double his following in less than three months as a result of the apprenticeships.

Efficient methods of working with apprentices

Mowlaee was finding success with his apprentices, but the sheer volume of people under his supervision compelled him to create new procedures for selecting, onboarding, and supervising apprentices.

The first step in the process is having a conversation with the student to find out more about their personal and professional objectives as well as whether or not the work that Engineer Your Mission has for them will help them reach those goals.

Mowlaee would contact his apprentice for an hour after choosing a fresh applicant for an apprenticeship to go over their work and provide criticism before assigning them new responsibilities.

Mowlaee discovered very soon that managing people was slowing down his own workflow and that he was more of a “leader than a manager.” He hired an operations manager to handle overseeing the apprentices in order to resolve this. That individual created a brand-new, efficient onboarding procedure that would enable him to collaborate with several trainees at one once more.

As “accountability partners,” apprentices are paired together as part of one of those processes, which enables them to discuss ideas and critique each other’s work.

When the three-month apprenticeship came to an end, Mowlaee’s work with his apprentices continued. He assists his apprentices in their job search by utilizing his expertise in career coaching. He assists them in updating their resumes, revising their LinkedIn pages, and getting ready for


7 social media success tips for coaches

Similar to Mowlaee, a lot of life and business coaches believe that social media marketing is a good way to draw in new clients. Coaches You must, however, utilize it prudently. For coaches, social media can eat up a lot of time—valuable time and energy that would be better used helping your clients.

Coaches will find the following social media marketing advice especially beneficial:

1- Visit the websites where your ideal clients are already active

Focus on the social media sites, organizations, and channels that your ideal clients are currently utilizing to make deliberate use of your time and efforts. If you’re considering starting your own community from scratch, keep in mind that it will require a lot of effort and time to expand the group and maintain member engagement. Think about whether you have the capacity to handle something so big.

2- Concentrate on providing value

Once you’ve identified communities or groups that comprise your ideal clientele, concentrate on providing value. Avoid jumping right into pitching or you could be expelled from the club. Use the communities to your advantage to find out more about your ideal client, the issues they are trying to address, and how you can help them most effectively. Coaches

3- Maximize the effectiveness of live streaming

You can address an audience live on video on several social media networks. Utilize live streaming capabilities to develop your reputation and foster a relationship with potential customers. Coaches Because prospects must get to know, like, and trust you before they commit to working with you, this is very beneficial for coaches.

4- Offer your most insightful observations.

More and more people are opening up online stores to serve as remote business or life trainers as remote employment becomes more and more common. The competition will only intensify. Thus, don’t be scared to share your finest work. When you post something new and provoke others to think and come up with new ideas or insights, they are more willing to collaborate with you.

5- Be dependable

Avoid becoming a “ghost” on social media—here today, gone tomorrow. To ensure that your audience is aware of what to anticipate from you, you should maintain consistency in three areas: timing, content, and tone. Coaches Consistency makes it safer for prospects to interact with you and consider doing business with you.

6- Don’t be afraid to sell your products.

Although the second suggestion emphasizes the importance of offering value, it does not imply that you should never market your coaching services on social media. Coaches Combining giving and selling postings on social media appears to be a successful strategy for coaches. The “give-give-ask strategy,” which involves publishing twice as many giving content as pitching posts, is employed by some marketers.

This can also be used in a single post: In the first 75% of the post, provide value. The final 25% of the text should then seamlessly transition into a pitch for your services or mention your program.

“Have I yet to establish my authority in this community?”

You can make a confident pitch if you can say “yes” to both questions. If not, dedicate a bit more time to just providing for and attending to your audience first.

7- Do as you say.

Social media channels are a great fit for stories. Rather than focusing on promoting sales, consider how you might organically communicate tales about your job. Coaches Share, for instance, the changes that your most prosperous clients have undergone (with their consent, of course). In addition, keep in mind that visuals—pictures and videos—can strengthen your argument and add interest to your social media posts.

Use acadium to do more with less effort.

Coaches should use social media marketing in particular. They facilitate the development of rapport with potential customers, increasing the likelihood that they will join your programs and collaborate with you.

On the other hand, you can’t continue handling every aspect of social media marketing on your own if you want to grow your company. In this video, Marie Forleo stated: Coaches

Here’s where calcium can be useful. Take on the role of mentor and receive social media marketing advice from aspiring marketers who are keen to assist you in expanding your company.

You can expand your social media following and engagement while maintaining the capacity to grow your company, just like Mowlaee.

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